Every listing on this website must have the following fields in order to be published. In general, all fields that are marked on the submission page with an asterisk are required. These fields are required to ensure that your potential customers have enough information about your special offer to make an informed decision.
- Name:
- A listing must have a name in order for it to be published. A name is important because it provides potential clients with an overview of what your offer is about.
- Listing Type
- The type of offer you are promoting must be chosen. Listing type is required because it improves the discovery of your listing. Please choose an appropriate type so that customers can easily find your offer.
- Description:
- A description of your listing is required because the description provides clients with an overview of your listing. You are to use the description to get clients interested in your listing. The description should be an extension of your Listing’s Name and expound further on your listing.
- Pictures:
- A minimum of 3 pictures are required. Pictures are required because they give clients an idea of what they will experience/encounter if they book your offer.
- Schedule/Availability:
- A listing requires a well-defined schedule that includes date(s) available. A well defined schedule is required because in order for clients to book a listing, they need to know the availability dates. Including a schedule will increase the chances of a listing being booked and will help customers who search by date range.
- Rates:
- The rates for a listing needs to be well defined because clients need to know the cost of a listing. Please specify the currency if you list promotional rates. Customers may expect rates in USD.
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